definitely speak
louder than words.

Free Medical Help
Under-privileged patients suffering from kidney diseases
Our health is governed by our intake of nutrition. What we consume determines the quality of our immunity. The under-privileged children in our country have poor health and low immunity as they barely get to eat wholesome nutritious meals.
And so, to begin with, Prakasham is providing free meals to under-privileged children.
Prakasham has tied up with multi-specialty hospitals like Mallika in Jogeshwari, Mumbai where under-privileged patients suffering from kidney failure are given free dialysis.
Also, at Mallika, under-privileged patients can get full health check-up for free.

Services being offered by Prakasham

Free Food

Free Health Check-up

Free Healthcare





raised by 6,388 people in 7 days

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An atheist can be charitable but not religious. But the religious must be charitable.
Swami Vivekananda
We rise by lifting others.
Robert Ingersoll
When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.
Maya Angelou
Helping people by charity is the most human thing we can do.
Oprah Winfrey
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.
Oscar Wilde

Give a helping hand to homeless children




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